Dustin Ingram


New and shiny #

One of my favorite parts of being a PyPI maintainer and administrator is seeing all the new and interesting projects the Python community is creating. PyPI now contains more than 150K unique projects, and sometimes it feels like every day I’m finding some nifty little piece of software.

Often, it takes a while for a new project to shake out bugs, release new features, and grow in popularity. However, some new projects are so phenomenally useful that the community immediately adopts them.

In this post, I’m going to take a look at some of the most “popular” projects created on PyPI in 2018 (i.e., they didn’t exist in 2017), why they exist, and how you can use them.

A note on “popularity” #

I’m using the number of downloads from PyPI as a proxy for the “popularity” of a given PyPI project. We aggregate download statistics into a public BigQuery dataset, which contains details about each individual download, including which version of the project was downloaded, when it was downloaded, and how it was downloaded.

However, using downloads to determine popularity is inherently flawed for a number of reasons. An individual download doesn’t necessarily mean that someone typed pip install <whatever>–the project might be getting installed automatically in a CI environment, or might just be a dependency of another truly popular project.

In addition, some of the largest users of projects from PyPI use private mirrors to improve latency and increase control over what projects can be installed, so any project downloaded and installed internally at these organizations won’t show up in our query at all.

And on the other hand, these statistics are incredibly easy to game: since PyPI has no “rate limit”, you can write a script that stuffs the ballot box for your project as fast as you want. In fact, in the course of writing this post, I found a few projects that seemed to be doing exactly that–so generally you should take download counts with a grain of salt.

I’ve published the query I’m using in this post here (GCP account required). If you’re interested in doing your own analysis of the public dataset, see the “Analyzing PyPI package downloads” guide from the Python Packaging User Guide.

The projects #

Without further ado, here’s some of the most “popular” projects created in 2018, in no particular order:

Project: black, by Łukasz Langa #

“The uncompromising code formatter.”

The black project is easily my favorite project created this year. It’s definitely not the first auto-formatter for Python, but it’s might be the least configurable one I’ve seen – and that’s a good thing.

It seeks to reduce bikeshedding and nitpicking about formatting your Python code by being so opinionated that you (and your peers) won’t ever need to think about formatting again. A number of notable projects have “blackened” their code bases (including PyPI itself). Pairs nicely with isort.

Project: lalsuite, by the LIGO Scientific Collaboration team #

LIGO Scientific Collaboration Algorithm Library - minimal Python package

More than a century ago, Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves. However, these waves were undetectable until a few years ago, when a team of scientists working at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) announced that the waves resulting from the merger of two black holes had been detected for the very first time.

This year, the team behind the discovery published lalsuite, the LSC Algorithm Library Suite, which is comprised of various gravitational wave data analysis tools used to make the discovery. While the core algorithms are written in C, the team has published a Python project which wraps these libraries and makes them usable from other Python projects, like PyCBC, a software package used to explore astrophysical sources of gravitational waves.

Project: cfgv, by Anthony Sottile #

Validate configuration and produce human readable error messages.

The cfgv project is a handy little utility that lets you write validators for essentially any configuration file that can be expressed as a Python data structure. For example, let’s say you had this JSON file named menu.json:

  "menu": [
        "name": "Menu Item 1",
        "ingredients": ["egg", "bacon"]
        "name": "Menu Item 2",
        "ingredients": ["egg", "sausage", "bacon"]
        "name": "Menu Item 3",
        "ingredients": ["egg", "spam"]

You can write the following schema to validate that validates that the menu:

import cfgv

SCHEMA = cfgv.Map(

You can then load the file and check it against the schema:


The project comes with a variety of validators, but you can also write your own. For example, if you wanted to validate that none of the ingredients contained "spam", we could write this validator:

def no_spam(value):
    if value == "spam":
        raise cfgv.ValidationError("Spam detected!")

We can then add it to our schema:

import cfgv

SCHEMA = cfgv.Map(
+               cfgv.Required(
+                   "ingredients",
+                   cfgv.check_array(no_spam)
+               ),

And attempting to check the file against the new schema will produce a very understandable error message:

  File "cfgv_test.py", line 12, in check_not_spam
    raise cfgv.ValidationError("Spam detected!")
==> File menu.json
==> At Menu(menu=[{'name': 'Menu Item 1', 'ingredients': ['egg', 'bacon']}, {'name': 'Menu Item 2', 'ingredients': ['egg', 'sausage', 'bacon']}, {'name': 'Menu Item 3', 'ingredients': ['egg', 'spam']}])
==> At key: menu
==> At Item(item=MISSING)
==> At key: ingredients
==> At index 1
=====> Spam detected!

The cfgv project is already in use by other popular projects like diffy and notifiers, which likely accounts for a large portion of it’s download counts.

Project: cmarkgfm, by Thea Flowers #

Minimal bindings to GitHub’s fork of cmark

Most folks may not realize that there are multiple “flavors” of Markdown. This year, when PyPI added support for Markdown project descriptions, we initially only supported the “CommonMark” format, because there was a parser and renderer already available as a Python project.

In order to support the more widely used “GitHub-flavored Markdown” (GFM), Thea Flowers created cmarkgfm, which provides a Python binds for GitHub’s fork of cmark. This project was added as a dependency of readme-renderer, which is widely used by project maintainers to check their project’s descriptions.

Project: importlib-metadata, by Barry Warsaw #

Read metadata from Python packages

The importlib-metadata provides an importable API for reasoning about installed Python packages, such as determining the version, entry points, and other metadata:

>>> import importlib_metadata
>>> importlib_metadata.version('pip')
>>> dict(importlib_metadata.metadata('pip'))
    'Metadata-Version': '2.1',
    'Name': 'pip',
    'Version': '18.1',
    'Summary': 'The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages.',
    'Home-page': 'https://pip.pypa.io/',
    'Author': 'The pip developers',
    'Author-email': 'pypa-dev@groups.google.com',
    'License': 'MIT',
    'Keywords': 'distutils easy_install egg setuptools wheel virtualenv',
    'Platform': 'UNKNOWN',
    'Classifier': 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
    'Requires-Python': '>=2.7,!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,!=3.3.*'

The library is a backport of a standard library module in Python 3.8, and can be used by older versions including Python 2.7.

Project: tomlkit, by Sébastien Eustace #

Style preserving TOML library

TOML is a configuration file format that has recently been gaining popularity. It looks somewhat similar to YAML or INI, except without much of the complexity and with a more formal specification, respectively. It looks like this:

# This is a TOML document.
title = "TOML Example"

name = "Tom Preston-Werner"
dob = 1979-05-27T07:32:00-08:00

It’s designed to be easy for humans to write (for example, it includes comments), and unambiguous for computers to read (a TOML file will map directly to a dictionary).

However, there’s a problem: when parsing a TOML file to a dictionary, everything that that doesn’t map, like comments, whitespace, and ordering) is not preserved, since these don’t change the underlying values of the document.

This is problematic for programs that read and write user-generated TOML files: a small change in the underlying machine-readable data could result in a loss of human-readable elements.

The tomlkit project solves this by providing a TOML parser that preserves all of these human-readable elements, so your application can read a file, modify it, and write it back out without losing anything at all.

Project: sentry-sdk, by Sentry #

Python client for Sentry (https://getsentry.com)

Sentry is a company that provides some fantastic error-tracking software (we use it on PyPI). Their original Python client, raven is now considered “legacy” and is being replaced by a new client, sentry-sdk.

Even though the project says it’s an “Experimental Python SDK” and “Do not use me yet”, when has that ever stopped anyone? Judging by the quantity of downloads, it’s starting to pick up steam.

Projects: azure-*, by Microsoft #

“Microsoft Azure Client Libraries for Python”

The Azure team seems to have seen some value in distributing their Python client libraries via PyPI: thirty one of the top 100 new projects by downloads start with azure-. The following are all in the top 20:

This shouldn’t come as a surpise, as it seems to align with Microsoft’s growing investment in Python in general.

Some other notable changes #

Conclusion #

These are just a few of the projects I found particularly interesting, innovative, or useful. If you want to dive deeper, you can run this BigQuery query to get the full list of new projects in 2018, ordered by downloads. Happy hacking!